Thursday, April 5, 2012

Birth of the NEW Fascia Research Society

The Vancouver Fascia Research Congress (March 28-30 2012) was an exciting, intense, challenging experience - a report of which will be posted in the next few days.

The photos show Geoff Bove DC PhD, Mary Barbe PhD  presenting at the congress, as well as myself with Gil Hedley and Carla Stecco just before Carla headed for the airport on the final day of the Vancouver event.

One very tangible and ongoing legacy of the conference will be the new Fascia Research Society, that formation of which was announced on day one - by Tom Findley MD PhD, the conference Chairperson.

The Fascia Research Society (FRS) is the latest creation of the Ida P Rolf Research Foundation and has been established as its membership component in order to facilitate, encourage and support continuing dialogue and collaboration between clinicians, researchers and academicians in the years between Fascia Research Congresses.

Many scientists and clinicians working in fascia are unfamiliar with, or have limited experiences of, each others work. Exposure to the different disciplines at the Congresses often leads to enthusiasm which fails to find a productive outlet - and FRS aims to remedy that. 
Through a variety of member benefits, the Society is intended to further bridge gaps in time and knowledge with continuous exposure to others working in all disciplines in the field throughout the year.

BENEFITS of FRS Membership
  • Priority registration and discounts to meetings and workshops at future Fascia Research Congresses
  •  Discounts on education CDs and publications
  • Access to a members only section of the Fascia Research Society website (currently under development)
  • Support and involvement as well as participation in the FRS membership community that promotes awareness, education, science and practice - involving human fascia
  • Access to the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies including its new Fascia Science and Clinical Applications section 
Membership in FRS is open to any student or professional working in the study and/or professional activity involving the human fasciae - which automatically includes all manual practitioners and therapists.

Join by clicking Here

This is open to individuals who meet the membership eligibility and who support the establishment of the membership component activities of the Foundation, and who apply for membership prior to December 31, 2012. Founding members are crucial to the success of the Society, and will be distinguished as pioneers for the life of their FRS membership. 
Founding Membership opportunities will close after December 31, 2012. After this date, all other Memberships will be available, with the same rights and privileges of Founding Membership, excluding perpetual founding distinction.
Founding Membership first year dues are outlined on this weblink  (current dues are $250.00). 

This is open to individuals who meet the membership eligibility requirements, submit their application for membership, and submit payment for first year dues - initially set at $100.00 annually.

Any student enrolled in a program providing education and training in any field of human fascia or related discipline may apply for a Student Membership. Verification of student status, in the form of a written statement from the student or graduate advisor or department head, is required. Student dues are $35.00 annually.
Tax Deductibility: Since the Fascia Research Society is under the umbrella organization of the Ida P Rolf Research Foundation, a 501c(3) charitable organization, dues may be taken as a charitable deduction or business expense.

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