Friday, January 25, 2013

A new 'fascia' book in development: Manual Therapy Approaches to Fascial Dysfunction


A new book is evolving - with the title:

Manual Therapy Approaches to Fascial Dysfunction 

This will be published by Handspring Publishers, in 2014.
The book's outline is given below - with details of a dozen or so contributed chapters by experts who have agreed to provide practical information that should allow therapists/practitioners to explore aspects of the method being described.
Among the guest contributors - describing fascial assessment approaches, is Tom Myers - and as you will see alongside chapter titles the leading experts in their fields have agreed to participate.

The photos below are of some of the contributors - Carla Stecco, Robert Schleip, Tom Myers, Antonio Stecco and Paolo Tozzi

Of course there are other books on fascia-related topics (see for example the extremely comprehensive and informative: Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body) - but I doubt a more 'user-friendly' one than the planned one will be available.....if it all goes to plan!

The outline below provides first thoughts on the may well change

Section 1: Fascia and the clinician - Translating the scientific evidence into clinical applications

Ch1 A clinicians guide to fascial function - including brief anatomy and physiology notes that include explanations of force transmission, mechanotransduction, fluid dynamics, neurophysiological features, and the role of fascial cells (fibroblasts) in the healing process. A glossary of terms will be included in this chapter. Leon Chaitow   

Ch2 What happens when fascia becomes dysfunctional due to trauma, inflammation, pathology, ageing etc - leading to fibrosis, 'densification', adhesions etc - and the symptoms that may follow. Leon Chaitow   

Ch3 Assessment approaches - including 'anatomy trains concepts;: Tom Myers

Ch4 Known and hypothesised methods of fascial modification, including the effects of movement, compression, shear forces, stretch etc.  - validated mechanisms and hypothetical models. Leon Chaitow   

Section 2: Modalities that focus on, or that beneficially influence, fascial dysfunction.

This section comprises a selection of 14 therapeutic models or approaches, listed alphabetically, below. 
The chapters will be user-friendly', scientific but avoiding excessively academic language. 
Each of these will broadly follow the same model - presenting a brief history and the protocols involved, and insofar as evidence exists brief summaries of studies that valdate the method, and/or describe the relationship with fascia/connective tissues.  
The tone of these chapters will encourage the reader to explore the method being discussed - but will not be promotiona/advertorial in nature. They will explain, and encourage further exploration - but are not designed to 'sell' the method.
One or more detailed 'exercises' (assessment and/or therapeutic) will be described for the practitioner/reader to use experientially - ideally on him/herself (BUT NOT IN A CLINICAL SETTING WITHOUT TRAINING).
(Note: some of these chapter titles may change)
  1. ·       Bowen Technique: Michelle (Marr) Watson, Julian Baker
  2. ·       Connective Tissue Massage/Manipulation (CTM): Liz Holey, John Dixon 
  3. ·       Exercise related methods and fascia: Robert Schleip
  4. ·       Fascial Manipulation®: Carla Stecco, Antonio Stecco, Julie Day
  5. ·       Fascial Unwinding/Balanced Ligamentous Tension: Paolo Tozzi
  6. ·        Instrument Assisted Methods (e.g. Graston®): Warren Hammer 
  7. ·       Fascia and Muscle Energy Techniques: Leon Chaitow       
  8. ·       Myofascial Induction/Release: Andrzej Pilat
  9. ·       Neuromuscular Techniques: Leon Chaitow  
  10. ·       Positional Release Techniques: Leon Chaitow 
  11. ·       Rolfing®/Structural integration: Jonathan Martine 
  12. ·       Scar management: Willem Fourie 
  13. ·       Therapeutic massage and fascia: Sandy Fritz  
  14. ·       Trigger point release methods (+dry needling): Cesar Fernandez-de-las-Penas

More on the book as it evolves....

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