This post contains a summary of a presentation I will be making at the XXII Physiotherapy Conference, Madrid in March
2012, entitled:
Breathing Pattern Disorders and Lumbopelvic Pain and dysfunction : An overview.
It represents an update on my paper written in 2004, on the same theme. (Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 7(1):34-41)
For more on this topic please see my co-authored book (with Dinah Bradley PT and Chris Gilbert PhD): Multidisciplinary Approaches to Breathing Pattern Disorders. (Elsevier 2002)
Also, the newly published, coedited book (with Ruth Lovegrove PhD): Chronic Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction: Practical Physical Medicine.
A second presentation at the Madrid conference will cover a review of indirect manual treatment methods for the lumbopelvic region, and will be posted on this site, in the next few months.
The Figure above represents the myofascial ‘inner stocking’ (or envelope) that involves a prevertebral and intrapelvic myofascial web of support. Among the key structural features of note are the multiple direct myofascial connections between the pelvic floor and the diaphragm.
Reproduced from Key (2010) J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther. 14, 299–301 - with thanks.
Breathing pattern disorders (BPD) – the most extreme
of which is hyperventilation - are surprisingly common in the general population,
but more so in women. Despite decades of research BPDs, together with a range
of the resulting pathophysiological biochemical, psychological and
biomechanical effects, remain commonly under-recognized by health care
professionals as contributing to pain, fatigue and dysfunction in general and
lumbopelvic pain and dysfunction, in particular. These notes focus mainly on
one aspect of BPDs potentially negative influence – the contribution towards the
evolution, aggravation and maintenance of lumbopelvic pain and dysfunction.
There is also recognition that pain and dysfunction
contribute significantly to altered breathing patterns, so helping to create a
reciprocally negative series of adaptations in which pain alters respiration,
which in turn amplifies pain.
Breathing Pattern Disorder (BPD) – also known as Dysfunctional breathing [DB] - is defined as chronic or recurrent changes in the breathing pattern, contributing to respiratory and nonrespiratory complaints. (Thomas et al 2003). Symptoms of BPD include dyspnoea with normal lung function, chest tightness, chest (and other musculoskeletal) pain, deep sighing, exercise induced breathlessness, frequent yawning and hyperventilation. (de Groot 2011)
Breathing Pattern Disorder (BPD) – also known as Dysfunctional breathing [DB] - is defined as chronic or recurrent changes in the breathing pattern, contributing to respiratory and nonrespiratory complaints. (Thomas et al 2003). Symptoms of BPD include dyspnoea with normal lung function, chest tightness, chest (and other musculoskeletal) pain, deep sighing, exercise induced breathlessness, frequent yawning and hyperventilation. (de Groot 2011)
Hyperventilation is the state
in which breathing occurs in excess of metabolic requirements, leading to an
acute reduction in partial pressure of carbon-dioxide (PaCO2) and a prdictable
set of physiologic changes. (Lewis 1959, de Groot 2011)
Hypocapnia: Deficiency of Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood
resulting from over-breathing/hyperventilation (HVS), resulting in increased
pH, respiratory alkalosis (Naschitz et al 2006)
Respiratory alkalosis: This involves
a rise in pH of the blood, from its normal levels of ~7.4 due to excessive CO2 exhalation during
rapid breathing. An immediate effect is smooth muscle constriction, narrowing of blood vessels, the gut etc, as well
as reduced pain threshold and feelings of anxiety, apprehension.
Respiratory alkalosis leads to decreased levels of
serum calcium ions (Ca2+) despite a normal calcium level, due to a
shift of Ca2+ from the blood to albumin which has become more
negative in the alkalotic state. Hypocalcemia then leads to hyperirritability of nerves
– evidenced by Chvostek’s sign (ipsilateral twitch of nose and lips when facial
nerve tapped at angle of jaw – an early sign of tetany) (Goljan 2007)
Yee (2010) reports that: “All acid-base disturbances—respiratory
acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, and metabolic
alkalosis—have the potential for producing neurologic manifestations”
Bohr effect: In an alkaline environment – such as respiratory
alkalosis - haemoglobin releases
oxygen less efficiently, leading to hypoxia. (Jensen 2004)
Hypoxia: Reduction of oxygen oxygen (O2) supply to tissue, below
physiological levels.
Etiological and maintaining factors
of BPD include:
· Psychological – for example anxiety (Han et al 1996,
Nardi et al 2001)
· Biochemical – for example increased levels of
progesterone (Ott et al 2006), or altered pH as in acidosis during pregnancy(Jensen
et al 2008), or in other states of acidosis (Kellum 2007)
· Habit - “Neurological
considerations leave little doubt that habitually unstable breathing is the
prime cause of symptoms” (Lum 1984), or conditioning (van den Burgh et al
· During aerobic exercise (Hammo et al 1999)
· Nixon & Andrews (1996) suggest that deconditioned
individuals utilize anaerobic glycolysis to generate, energy, resulting in
relative lowering of pH, and, consequent homeostatic hyperventilation. In
effect, lower pH - due to
deconditioning - would trigger, hyperventilation, which would further
encourage, deconditioning.
In the USA as many as 10% of patients in general
internal medicine practices are reported to have HVS as their primary
diagnosis. (Lum 1987, Newton 2005) however BPD appears to be far more prevalent
(Thomas et al 2005).
Katon & Walker (1998) noted
that patients with the commonest physical symptoms (e.g., abdominal pain, chest pain, headache, back pain),
are responsible for half of all primary care visits (USA), and yet only 10%–15%
of these are found to be caused by organic illness. All these symptoms are well
recognised as capable of being the result of BPD.
De Groot (2011) notes that the extreme of BPDs, hyperventilation
syndrome (HVS), is common in adults at between 6% and 10% in different studies,
and that is more prevalent in women (14%) than in men (2%).
Special populations, symptoms and BPD
· Perri and Holford (2004) reported that a convenience
sample of 111 patients, attending a chiropractic pain clinic were evaluated for
links between their health, pain
histories and faulty breathing (criteria
included evidence of obvious paradoxical –non-diaphragmatic- breathing,
or a tendency to raise the upper
chest to initiate inhalation). 56.4% demonstrated faulty breathing on relaxed
inhalation, increasing to 75% when taking a deep breath. 87% reported a history
of various musculoskeletal pain problems. Based on this self-selected
population, they observe that: “Chances
are 3 in 4 that new patients seen today will have faulty breathing patterns.”
· Cimino et al (2000) found that breathing rates
accelerate as progesterone levels rise during the luteal phase of the menstrual
cycle. This is accompanied by a simultaneous reduction in pain thresholds,
suggesting that respiratory changes are at least partially influential in
increased pain perception.
· In a study by Dunnett et al (2007) it was noted that
several participants “changed” a diagnosis of fibromyalgia during the course of
a menstrual cycle, fulfilling the diagnostic criteria during the menstrual or
luteal phase, but never during the follicular phase.
Phasic menstrual cycle changes observed in
resting minute ventilation and arterial PCO(2) may be due, at least in part, to
the stimulatory effects of progesterone. (Slatkovska et al 2006)
Premenstrual symptoms (PMS) may be caused
directly by hyperventilation (HVS). “It has been known for
more than 100 years that women hyperventilate during the second half of the menstrual
cycle. Symptoms of chronic HVS are remarkably similar to the symptoms observed
in some women with PMS.… In women with PMS the sensitivity of the respiratory
center to CO2 is increased more than normal by progesterone, or some other
secretory product of the corpus luteum, resulting in pronounced
hyperventilation.” (Ott et al 2006)
Human pregnancy is characterized by significant
increased tendency to hyperventilation largely associated, with increased
circulating female sex hormone concentrations. (Jensen et al 2008)
Baranes et al (2005) lists myalgia, back pain and
muscle cramps, as common symptoms associated with overbreathing in children –
with the age of onset most commonly between ages 13 and 16.
and BPD
· Schleifer et al (2002) outline the way in which pain
may be amplified due to BPD. They explain that overbreathing results in a drop in arterial CO2, caused by ventilation
that exceeds metabolic demands for O2, with a consequent rise in blood pH
(i.e., respiratory alkalosis). The inevitable resulting disruption in acid-base
equilibrium triggers a series of changes that increase muscle tension, induce
muscle spasm, amplify the responses to catecholamines, producing muscle
ischemia and hypoxia. Additionally the shift from a diaphragmatic to a thoracic
breathing pattern imposes a range of biomechanical stresses.
· Terekhin and Forster (2006) have used functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) involving blood-oxygen-level-dependent
(BOLD) contrast, to examine ways in
which the results of over-breathing impact directly on pain mechanisms. They note that this type of scan maps neural activity in the brain or spinal cord by
imaging the change in blood flow (hemodynamic response) related to energy use by
brain cells. Hypocapnia
(reduced carbon dioxide in the blood), usually resulting from deep or rapid
breathing such as hyperventilation (HVS) provides various, influences on the
BOLD indicating that it may differentially affect the processing of pain input
and motor tasks. “The subtle disturbances of breathing which contribute to
hypocapnia should, be considered for functional brain imaging studies, especially,
those examining the nociceptive system. The, decrease in BOLD signal by up to 7%, in all regions of the brain
cortex, indicates a wide spread vasoconstriction in the gray matter as an acute
reaction to the hypocapnia."
· Studies
also indicate that the vasoconstrictory effect of over-breathing, and resulting
hypocapnia, leads to cerebral ischemia, while also increasing the affinity, of
hemoglobin for oxygen due to alkalosis (Bohr effect), decreasing oxygen release
into the tissue (Clausen et al 2004). The altered neuronal excitability and
potentially affects both pain perception, as well as motor control.
· Diatchencko et al (2006) observed that back pain (as well as chronic neck pain) displays all
the characteristics of central sensitization (Flor 2003), and that associated pain
processing changes in such disorders are affected by breathing patterns.
· Individuals with back pain tend to brace their
superficial abdominal muscles and diaphragm as well as having poor core muscle
activation. This negatively influences normal diaphragm function, inhibiting
abdominal breathing and encouraging an upper chest pattern. (Radebold et
al 2001, O'Sullivan & Beales 2007)
BPD, stability, instability and the
nervous system
According to Panjabi (1992) three subsystems work
together to maintain spinal stability:
The central
nervous subsystem (control): sensory
receptors in the spinal structures, their central connections, and cortical and
subcortical control centers
osteoligamentous subsystem (passive):
vertebrae, intervertebral discs, ligaments, zygapophyseal joints, and passive
components of the associated musculotendinous structures
The muscle
subsystem (active):
musculotendinous units attached to, or influencing, the spinal column
These subsystems are interdependent, working together to
maintain spinal stability and intervertebral motion.
There is a great deal of evidence pointing to ways in
which altered breathing patterns are capable of negatively influencing both the
central nervous and the active muscle subsystems, thereby contributing to the
evolution or maintenance of non-pathological lumbopelvic pain and dysfunction.
Paillard (2012) reported that hyperventilation, decreases CO2 level and increases pH in body fluids
and tissues and that this provokes vascular changes, possibly responsible, for
augmented postural sway (Sakellari & Bronstein (1997).
· Postural and motor control impairments have been
reported extensively in chronic LBP-patients involving mal-coordination of
postural and respiratory functions as well as trunk muscles. [Hodges and Mosely 2003, O’Sullivan 2005)
· Janssens et al (2010) have demonstrated that inspiratory
muscles fatigue (IMF) results in “a rigid
proprioceptive postural control strategy, rather than the normal
"multisegmental" control, which is similar to people with LBP. This
results in decreased postural stability. These results suggest that IMF might
be a factor in the high recurrence rate of LBP.” Janssens et al also note
that in the case of inspiratory muscle fatigue, proprioceptive input from
the lower back becomes less reliable, disturbing sensory integration and
thereby postural control. Overall it appears that BPD/hyperventilation affects
the interoceptive sensory and motor systems of the postural control mechanism.
· Hodges et al 2005 observed that the diaphragm
contributes to spinal stability in healthy subjects by adding to
intra-abdominal pressure and therefore enhanced spinal stiffness. This
observation built on earlier studies that indicated that the diaphragm is able
to perform the dual tasks of offering trunk stability, as well as performing
respiratory tasks, when trunk stability is challenged (Hodges et al 2002) - but not when sustained over-breathing
is a feature. They found that after approximately 60 seconds of over-breathing,
both postural (tonic) and phasic functions of the diaphragm and transversus
abdominis were reduced or absent.
· Findings by
Hodges et al (2001) suggest that “the stability
of the spine may be compromised in situations in which respiratory demand is
increased, such as exercise and respiratory
disease. …..During strenuous exercise, when the physical stresses to the spine are greater, the physiological vulnerability of the
spine to injury is likely to be increased”.
· This supports McGill’s (1995) study that reported that
reduced spinal support is noted during a combined load challenge to the low
back during breathing
challenge (e.g. digging or clearing snow).
challenge (e.g. digging or clearing snow).
· O’Sullivan & Beales (2007 have demonstrated that
SI joint pain and dysfunction, are frequently associated with aberrant pelvic
floor and diaphragm behaviour, and that a program that enhances motor control
via rehabilitation of pelvic floor control, and a more functional respiratory
pattern, improves both pain and disability
· Roussel et al (2009) have reported that more than half of patients with chronic non-specific
low back pain exhibit altered breathing patterns during performances in which
the trunk-stability muscles are challenged.
pelvic pain and postural considerations
The pelvic floor and the respiratory diaphragm are,
structurally and functionally bound together by fascial, and muscular
connections. (Lee et al 2008).
Gibbons (2001) has described the anatomical link
between the diaphragm, psoas and, the pelvic floor: ‘The diaphragm’s medial arcuate ligament, is a tendinous arch in the
fascia of the psoas, major. Distally the psoas fascia is continuous with
the pelvic floor fascia, especially the pubococcygeus’. .
Jones (2001) has summarized the integrated structural
and functional thoraco-pelvic unit as follows: “The pelvic floor muscles are part of a multi-structural unit forming
the bottom of a lumbopelvic cylinder with the respiratory diaphragm forming its
top and transversus abdominis the sides. The spinal column is part of this
cylinder and runs through the middle, supported posteriorly by segmental,
attachments of lumbar multifidus and anteriorly by segmental attachments of
psoas to the abdominal muscles.”
With psoas fibres (and those of QL) merging with the
diaphragm, and the pelvic floor, any degree of, inappropriate stiffness or
weakness in any these muscles is likely, to impact on the ability of either of
the diaphragms to function normally – compromising spinal stability.
There appears to be a clear connection between respiration
and pelvic floor function as well as SIJ stability, an observation that
applies particularly in women. (Hodges et al 2007)
Having analysed data from over 38,000 telephone interviews,
Smith et al (2006) reported that middle-aged
and older women had higher odds of having back pain when they experienced
breathing difficulties, and that disorders of continence and respiration were
strongly related to frequent back pain, possibly explained by physiological limitations
of coordination of postural, respiratory and continence functions of trunk. They note that if pelvic floor muscles are dysfunctional,
spinal support may be compromised, increasing external oblique muscle activity,
overcoming pelvic floor muscle activity and possibly resulting in
Haugstad et al (2006) observed that women
with chronic pelvic pain “typically
displayed upper chest breathing
patterns, with almost no movement
of the thorax or the abdominal area”. They also confirmed “a characteristic pattern of standing, sitting, and walking,
…..lack of coordination and irregular high costal respiration”… and
that “the highest density, and the highest degree of elastic
stiffness [was] found in the iliopsoas muscles”.
Recognising and diagnosing BPD (Courtney et al 2009, van Dixhoorn & Duivenvoorden 1985)
- · Restlessness (type A, “neurotic”)
- · ‘Air hunger'
- · Frequent sighing
- · Rapid swallowing rate
- · Poor breath-holding times
- · Poor lateral expansion of lower thorax on inhalation
- · Rise of shoulders on inhalation
- · Visible “cord-like” sternomastoid muscles
- · Rapid breathing rate
- · Obvious paradoxical breathing
- · Positive Nijmegen Test score (23 or higher)
- · Low end-tidal CO2 levels on capnography assessment (below 35mmHg)
- · Reports of a cluster of symptoms such as fatigue, pain (particularly chest, back and neck), anxiety, ‘brain-fog’, irritable bowel or bladder, paresthesia, cold extremities (Chaitow et al 2002)
A randomized controlled study suggested that
patients with moderate chronic low back pain of an average of one-year
duration, improved significantly (in both pain and functional symptoms) after
either breathing rehabilitation or physical therapy for 8 weeks. (Mehling et al
· Diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle
relaxation, exercise, self-visualization, and self-hypnosis have been shown to
be effective in reducing both stress and pain perception. (Whitmore 2002)
· Chronic pelvic pain associated with chronic
prostatitis, involving nonbacterial urinary difficulties, has been shown, in a
study at Stanford University School of Medicine, to be capable of being effectively
treated using trigger point deactivation,
together with relaxation and breathing reeducation techniques. (Anderson
et al 2005)
· Holloway & West (2007) report that breathing
rehabilitation (Papworth Method), as part of a randomized controlled trial, involving
a sequence of integrated breathing and relaxation exercises focused on BPD (including
hyperventilation), led to a clinically relevant improvement in quality of life.
· Musnick (2008) has outlined a protocol that places the role of breathing
rehabilitation into context, when managing musculoskeletal pain:
Reduce the
synergistic inputs to the pain process (i.e. modify adaptive demands)
Deactivate trigger
(or tender) points
Remove noxious input
from scars
Enhance spinal and
general joint functionality
Improve muscle
recruitment, strength, flexibility
Pay attention to
exacerbating factors in diet, lifestyle and habits (sleep, exercise, posture,
balance, breathing)
emotional/psychological factors
Breathing pattern disorders
(BPD) can contribute to, exacerbate, and help maintain, a variety of symptoms,
including lumbopelvic pain and dysfunction.
BPDs are relatively easy to
recognise and diagnose, and can commonly be improved or normalised by means of
a combination of rehabilitation exercises and manual therapy.
Anderson RU, et al. Integration of myofascial
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